Primary School - Year 6


Throughout the year pupils will be expected to respond to a wide range of literature with their own thoughts and ideas, both verbally and in writing.

They will be studying passages from a Shakespeare play as well as classic fiction and poetry.

They will look at a range of poetic forms including haikus, limericks and riddles and learn to compare works by different children’s authors.


Non-fiction reading will include biographies, autobiographies, diaries, journalistic writing and non-chronological reports.


By the end of Year 6 the pupils will have had opportunities to summarise a passage, chapter or text in a specified number of words and to comment critically on the language, style and success of examples of non-fiction.


The pupils should be confident in their use of a variety of spelling strategies including using prefixes, suffixes and common letter strings, applying their knowledge of spelling rules and exceptions and building words from other known words.


They will have a weekly spelling test based at two or three levels. Sentence structure and punctuation will be an important focus and by the end of Year 6 the expectations are that pupils will be confident in their abilities to form and to use a wide range of punctuation.


Pupils will be encouraged to read as often and form as wide a range of literature as possible.


Maths / Numeracy


  • Pupils will be expected to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12, off by heart and be able to recall them rapidly.
  • Other targets will include:- multiplying and divide decimals mentally by 10 or 100, and whole numbers by 1000.
  • Recognising squares of numbers and prime numbers to at least 20.
  • Reducing a fraction to its simplest form.
  • Finding simple percentages of small whole-number quantities.
  • Consolidating all strategies for mental calculations.
  • Using column addition and subtraction of numbers involving decimals.
  • Using short and long methods in multiplication and division.
  • Solving word problems involving numbers and quantities and explain methods and reasoning.
  • Calculating the perimeter and area of simple compound shapes that can be split into rectangle.


Geography, the topic areas covered in Geography in Year 6 are:


  • Investigating rivers
  • Mountains
  • Cities
  • History


In History we concentrate on two periods, Ancient Greece and Britain since 1930’s.


I.C.T. The topic areas covered in I.C.T in Year 6 are:


  • Developing presentational skills through word processing for different audiences, using a variety of styles.
  • Producing step by step instructions through the use of flowcharts.
  • Using the internet to select a range of information and deciding what is the correct information.
  • Using spreadsheets and knowing that changing the variables will effect the result.
  • Using databases – collecting and interpreting data.
  • Using e-mail as a way to share information.


P.H.S.E. The topic areas covered in P.S.H.E. in Year 6 are:


  • Bullying, Friendships and Relationships
  • Keeping healthy
  • Citizenship


Science, the topic areas covered in Science in Year 6 are:


  • Adapting to different habitats and food chains
  • Micro-organisms
  • Dissolving, evaporation and separating mixtures
  • Reversible and irreversible changes
  • Forces in action
  • How we see things
  • Changing circuits

St. Anthony's College

St Anthony´s College, Camino de Coin,

Km.  5,25 Mijas Costa – Málaga.